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أفكار حرفية للبيع وكسب المال في عام 2022

إذاً، هذه المقالة هي ما تبحث عنه على وجه التحديد لكسب المال على الإنترنت. لقد اخترنا هنا 14 فكرة حرفية.


Everyone is in need of an alternative way to earn money in 2022.

Then, this article is especially what you are looking for to make money on the internet. Here we have selected 14 craft ideas that you can start perfecting to sell in a simple, hassle-free way. In addition to offering its products to a larger audience, handicrafts have an asset, as they are unique, original and exclusive pieces, and do not offer direct competition with other items sold on the sites.


But is it important to say that the best products to sell on the internet are handicrafts? Did you know that e-commerce is one of the fastest growing sectors in recent years? If you are interested and want to take advantage of the opportunity that we are offering to teach you everything about crafts, the time is now. Continue with us in the post and find the best ideas on how to make money with crafts in eva and in the most diverse materials. Check out!


Since we explained earlier how to crochet from scratch, we’ll also leave some creative tips to get you started.


Party Souvenir
Kids toys
Pet Clothes
MDF items
Custom shirts
Decorated Candles
Pots for Plants
Handmade Lamps
Homemade Soaps
Miscellaneous Paintings


Starting to explain the main thing, crochet is an old fabric creation technique, but it never goes out of style and is always in fashion for being customized products.

The advantage is that it is possible to make the most different materials such as decoration items, rugs, towels, bags, dolls, clothes, slippers and the most diverse accessories.

In this modality, you can work with personalized items, making pieces to order, which generates even more value for your products.


The biscuit is a great craft product to sell, pass the time, practice and in the future make money selling. Because it is a very versatile material, it is possible to make the most diverse materials with it, such as wedding and birthday souvenirs, keyrings, dolls, picture frames, among others. See an example:

Saint Francis Of Assisi In Biscuit



For those who follow our blog, you know that patchwork is one of the best options for whatever your goal is, whether selling or just learning how to decorate your home. Patchwork is a sewing method that uses scraps of fabric to create the most different products, such as pillows, bags, sackcloth, dishtowels, quilts, cases and wallets. To develop this handicraft technique, you can start doing it manually as we teach you here, or have a sewing machine, fabrics with different colors and designs, stabilizer and thread, among others.



After all these craft ideas to sell that we presented in this article, you understood that crafts are very easy to sell, because your creativity is unlimited, and it only depends on you.  If you like the business in the future and stop being just a hobby, you can choose to sell your crochet items, biscuits, MDF items, etc… It is important to always remember that handicrafts are a great option to earn money. But remember that, much more than just offering quality products, you must like what you do, always with love and affection.

Threads for crafts

المواضيع الشائعة


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أفضل تطبيقات استعادة الرسائل المحذوفة من الواتساب

يمكنك استخدام التطبيقات لاستعادة رسائل WhatsApp المحذوفة. تعرف على أفضل 3 تطبيقات ولا تفوت أي رسالة مرة أخرى!

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أفضل الطرق لكسب المال من الحرف اليدوية.

هذه المقالة هي ما تبحث عنه على وجه التحديد لكسب المال على الإنترنت. 14 فكرة حرفية يمكنك البدء بها.

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اكتشف الفوائد الصحية العقلية للصناعات اليدوية. اكتشف كيف يمكن للإبداع باستخدام يديك أن يقلل من التوتر!

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