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أصبحت الصناعة اليدوية اتجاهًا شائعًا في جميع أنحاء العالم!
ملابس الكروشيه هي الموضة الجديدة وتعود مع كل شيء، لتوفير المال والحصول على شيء مؤلف.
Increasingly the craft has gained space in the international fashion market, despite the climate of each city, many garments are wool.
This is one of the handmade clothes by people from the craft area. This kind of clothing has gained a lot of space in the scene. Whether for you who wants to buy this outfit and make success, or for you who has an interest in producing, in both cases you can follow the contents of handcraftcool to stay on top of all trends.
Crochet clothes are the new fashion and are coming back with everything, for you to save money and have something authorial, the best way is you learn how to start in this world of crafts, you will need a small list of material that we from cool handcraft will make available right below.
You might be wondering, which one produces a better outfit, knitting or crochet?
Depends entirely on the garment really. Crochet tends to produce thicker cardigans and hats and socks but if you use a very fine fingering yarn it will be quite thin. I think crochet does lacey products better than knitting. There is a lot more scope for the fine artwork required. A doily for example is crocheted and I don’t think you’d get the same effect from knitting. Blankets are thicker and work up quicker.
Knitting will produce a thinner fabric and makes a plain jumper or even a textured jumper really well, and socks. If you go to a clothes store, most fabrics these days are made from a knitted fabric be it t shirt, jumper, stretchy dresses, underpants, socks. The yarn used ranges from very very thin to quite chunky depending on what the purpose of the finished garment is.
Knitting takes longer to do and uses a lot more stitches for the garment than crochet. However all knitting uses a mixture of 2 stitches and moving them around to get styles and textures. I personally find making pictures or coloured patterns from knitting much easier than crochet as there tends to be a right side in knitting. Items like a fairisle are fiddly but the effect is amazing. And machines mostly do the commercial knitted patterns you find in shops.
Crochet has hundreds of different stitches which can be combined to make different patterns and pictures. But I think crochet is better suited to different garments than knitting. It is more often used to make blankets toys hats and scarves doileys and table runners more so than clothes but you can make clothes, especially if you want a lacey dress or unusual waistcoat or item.
People who wear this kind of clothing should think that it’s a lot of work and end up asking why do you enjoy crocheting or knitting?
I’m a knitter.
And this is going to sound like an oxymoron but I love it because it’s mindless and challenging. I’ve knitted all my life so if I’m making a sweater or socks or such, I’m not really paying much attention. I’m basically keeping my fingers busy while I’m watching TV or traveling. My kids told me I don’t even look at what I’m doing. My enjoyment comes from simply making something to give to someone I love.
المواضيع الشائعة
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