
أنواع مختلفة من التطريز اليدوي لتتعلمي كيفية التطريز

إن البدء في العمل أسهل كثيرًا مما تظن. ما عليك سوى توفير المواد المناسبة في متناول يدك، ويمكنك البدء في عمل الغرز الأولى.


Getting started is much less complicated than you think. Just have the right materials on hand, and you can start giving your first stitches. The best tip I’ll give you is to know what the main types of embroidery are.

Vagonite: It is the most elementary there is, the vagonite is driven from straight and symmetrical lines. The differential of vagonite is that the needle certainly does not pass the back of the fabric. What’s better is that you can do it with thread or tape. Cross Stitch: It is a very popular embroidery and thousands of people enjoy this cross stitch embroidery. The result of a cross stitch work is precise and delicate. And as the name says, the points are in the shape of a cross.


Russian stitch: The differential of the Russian stitch is that it is made on the machine. Anyone who has seen a machine work must have seen the needle move in and out of fabric. From there we have the principle of this point. A differential of the Russian stitch is that the embroidery is done on the reverse side of the fabric.

Embroidery with ribbons: It is quite common to see this embroidery on towels of all kinds. It is very versatile and allows different types of designs and formats, especially with towels. It is an excellent option for those looking for an extra income by selling towels and embroidering with ribbons.

Many more hand embroidery tips


Free embroidery: This type of embroidery is for those who are already used to different types of embroidery, it becomes a great option, and it allows working with different types of stitches.
There are different quality and types of embroidery that are affordable for you to choose to work with, having an alternative activity that makes you less stress as embroidery is good for the mind. The tip I give you is to start with Vagonite, because it is certainly the simplest to start with, and the most practical. Train every day, and choose simpler designs to train. This way it will be much easier to get practice, and sew with excellence.


First sewing advice: Learn how to embroider by hand


It is essential that you know that embroidering is a technique, a skill that is developed, and it is also a very old technique that was practiced by different peoples.
In the past, people already embroidered the decoration and finishing of clothes. And nowadays it is very common embroidered towels from layettes. Currently there are several types of embroidery, with different purposes and materials as well.


Have you ever heard of the cross stitch? It is the oldest embroidery in the world. The name of the cross stitch already says what it is, an overlap of one line over another, which is developed over the seam, forming a small cross. You can, through the cross stitch, create different types of designs, write names and decorate with different shapes. The completion of the work is beautiful and delicate. For those who want to start embroidering the tip is to start with cross stitch.

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