
تطبيق اكتشاف الأجهزة المخفية: كيفية العثور على الميكروفونات المخفية

Advanced technology can keep you safe on a daily basis! Learn how this app can locate hidden microphones, identify your exposure to radiation, and more!


This free app will safekeep your privacy

Hidden Devices Detector will simplify how you maintain your privacy.
Hidden Devices Detector will simplify how you maintain your privacy. Source: azerbaijan_stockers/Freepik

Nowadays, it is possible to guarantee your safety by using mobile apps. Join us in this article and discover every tool the Hidden Devices Detector app can offer.

Recording conversations without consent is increasingly being used against people to commit crimes such as extortion and exposure. So, to help you learn how to protect yourself, we have prepared a detailed guide.

The Hidden Devices App is a tool that can assist you in preserving your privacy. Its easy-to-use interface gives you real-time updates on suspicious devices around you.

Learn how to make the most out of this useful and free app. Just keep reading!

What is Hidden Devices Detector, and how does it work?

Learn how hidden devices detector works
Locate spy objects anywhere. Source: Canva Pro.

Hidden Devices Detector is a free app designed for mobile Android devices. By using this app, you can find possible hidden microphones, cameras, and more! 

Besides aiming to keep its users safe from potential spying, this application lessens the effects of radiation on those who use this tool. This is possible because the app uses a magnetic sensor to detect the radiation intensity emitted by the electronic devices around you.

The magnetic sensor, known as the magnetometer, is present in most smartphones. So, by using this app, you will activate the sensor to locate alterations in the magnetic field around your phone and consequently locate tools that can be used for spying.

Is the app capable of detecting other spy devices?

This app can locate all sorts of hidden devices, such as cameras and microphones. Due to its ability to scan your surroundings and examine changes in the magnetic field, it can identify the devices near you.

Another tool used by this application is the infrared scanner, which works exclusively to detect the light emitted by electronics. Sometimes, even though we scan the places ourselves, the human eye can’t manage to identify certain hidden devices.

Besides, spying devices have become common tools used against tourists and travelers in general who stay as guests in houses or check into hotels. Also, public spaces such as restrooms and changing rooms have also been the spots chosen for recording people without their consent.

So, it’s not always possible to go around rummaging through things to find a spying object. Having the Hidden Devices Detector App in hand will make it easier for you to ensure you are in a safe space.

What are the features of the Hidden Devices Detector app?

To offer tools that can ensure the safety and privacy of its users, the Hidden Devices Detector features:

  1. Hidden devices detector with magnetometer
  2. Infrared scanner
  3. Radiation meter and graph to identify the levels of radiation around you and spot spy objects
  4. Tips and tricks to find hidden microphones, cameras, and other tools.

What to do when you identify a hidden microphone with the app?

First of all, prioritize your safety and well-being. Document the object by taking pictures and recording videos, but don’t touch it and leave the area quickly.

Know that in these cases, you can count on legal counseling to guide you through how to proceed, as recording conversations without consent is illegal in many jurisdictions. Besides, you need to call the authorities.

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for people who have had their conversations recorded without consent to be blackmailed or extorted, so take measures to protect your privacy. This may include securing your personal space, changing passwords, and being cautious about your surroundings.

How to use the app to Find Hidden Microphones?

After having the app installed on your device, simply open it and start searching around for cameras, microphones, and other devices. To scan your surroundings for a suspicious object, approach your phone to objects you want to investigate further. 

When scanning around, you will receive the detections in real-time, with information on the devices identified. The didactic graphs show how close you are to a suspicious object and guide you to move closer or further from a possible spy tool.

Additionally, you can find tips on how to find hidden devices organized by the type of room. From the bedroom to the living room, you can learn where to look for suspicious objects.

How to Download Hidden Devices Detector?

Hidden Devices Detector is free and simple to use
A simple and free tool to keep you safe. Source: Canva Pro.

To start ensuring that your conversations and everyday activities are not being recorded, you can quickly download the app from the link below and start using it!



Hidden Devices Detector


A simple and free app to maintain your safety at all times.

سيتم إعادة توجيهك إلى موقع آخر

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