
نصائح حول كيفية الكروشيه للمبتدئين – اكتشف الآن أفضل سبع نصائح لا ينبغي تفويتها للمبتدئين في الكروشيه

كان يُعتقد قديماً أن الكروشيه كان يقتصر على الجدات فقط لتمضية الوقت. أما الآن فهو يعتبر حرفة يدوية بطريقة خاصة.


Crochet was once understood that only grannies did it to pass the time. Currently it is considered as handicraft in a special way. And many people from different areas want to learn the most diverse points to make the most beautiful handmade pieces.


If there’s one thing crochet helps, it’s stress relief and also to pass the time. And it’s great as an alternative activity to distract yourself and also have mental health up to date. There are many points that can be practiced, where we can work not only the hands but also the mind, and learn a lot more about crochet techniques in different ways. People who suffer from anxiety or who are very stressed can discharge anxiety with their hands knitting to even become one or a professional in the art of crochet.


There are different types of needles and different threads. And the choice is directly connected with the other. It all depends on the thickness of the thread, a thicker needle for thicker threads, and a thinner one for thinner needles. Crochet hooks can be different, plastic, aluminum, steel, plastic and rubberized handle. Choosing the needle style varies from person to person and this is really personal.


Discover now the top seven unmissable tips for crochet beginners:


1. Before making the main piece you want to make, do a test piece, to get used to the stitch you chose.


2. Needles should initially be a little larger, like 2.5mm and preferably fine lines. In this way you will find out how to make each stitch.


3. If you have a hard time with crochet yarn, you may be able to practice with a medium needle and knitting thread.


4. Practice the chain stitch a lot before moving on to other basic stitches.


5. When you feel more confident, start training the low point and the high point.


6. Give preference to single color threads while learning, as they are more practical, simple and easier to work with.


7. Practice the stitches a lot before moving on to more professional work.

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