
كيفية كسب المال من خلال الأعمال اليدوية

في هذه المقالة، سوف يساعدك موقع Handcraft Cool في الحصول على بعض الأفكار الجيدة حول كيفية كسب المال من خلال الحرف اليدوية. اطلع على النصائح وأفضل أنواع الحرف اليدوية للبدء وغيرها


The best ideas for making money with crafts can be considered by those who want to work with it. After all, working with crafts to make money is something very cool, profitable and serves as extra or main income.


In this article, Handcraft Cool will help you get some good ideas on how to make money with crafts. See tips, best types of crafts to start and other determining factors. After all, ideas for making money with crafts can only be taken off paper with the right plan.


Doing haphazardly and numerous types of crafts, is not recommended.

But don’t worry.

Keep reading and understand everything about the topic!

How to make money with handicrafts on fabric?
Fabrics are considered the most affordable material to use as raw material in the production of handmade pieces.

Therefore, they can be used in different ways such as sewing, painting, embroidery, and many other formats.

Among the most sought after in the market, we can highlight:


Embroidered and painted dishcloths;
patchwork quilts;
Cushion covers;
Bed, table and bath sets;
Dolls’ clothes.


How to make money with MDF crafts?
The MDF handicrafts have some differentials that make this type of material very sought after in the world of handicrafts.


Like fabrics, they can be used as the basis for creating different pieces, such as:


Jewelry holder and accessory boxes;
Makeup organizer boxes;
Frames for pictures and picture frames
Letters and decorative plaques for parties;
Niches for rooms
Religious oratories for homes and churches;
Dolls’ houses.
How to earn money with recycled crafts?
Working with recycling can be an excellent alternative of how to make money with crafts.


This, because this utensil has been increasingly valued. Because they have different formats, you can create crafts for various segments. Now, if you want some tips on how to use recycled materials when creating, you can take advantage of some interesting insights below.


Cans can be used to store pens, toothbrushes, and also as a way to decorate and adorn environments. Shoe boxes can be covered with fabrics and papers, giving a new look and serving to organize closets and accessories.


Feiras de artesanato: um guia para você descobrir oportunidades de negócio


After all, handicraft is nothing more than a type of product, service, or material that is made manually. And because it’s handmade, there are numerous ways and techniques to get the idea off the drawing board and then make money from it.


But to get you started in a more secure way, here are some tips on how to make money with any kind of craft you make:


Fairs and in-person events.
Make your own online store.
Create a page on social networks.
Create groups on social networks.
Advertise on social networks.
Encourage word-of-mouth marketing.
Work with custom orders.
Become the best at the kind of crafts you make.
Below, understand more about these tips and start putting your ideas into practice today.


Trade shows and in-person events

Trade shows and in-person events are certainly still very much in vogue for those who want to make money with crafts. After all, fairs are essential for getting contacts and the right audience.


That is, fairs are exclusively for one type of person: the one who is looking to buy or sell handicrafts.


المواضيع الشائعة


كيفية استعادة الملفات المحذوفة على هاتفك: 5 تطبيقات

هل فقدت ملفات مهمة على هاتفك؟ تعرف على 5 تطبيقات قوية لاستعادة الملفات. استرجع الصور والمستندات والمزيد دون أي متاعب.

استمر بالقراءة

راقب صحتك! تعرف على أفضل تطبيق لقياس نسبة الجلوكوز

لم يكن مراقبة صحتك أسهل من أي وقت مضى باستخدام تطبيق تتبع الجلوكوز. تعرف على كل شيء عنه وكيفية عمله أدناه!

استمر بالقراءة

أفضل تطبيقات المواعدة للآباء والأمهات العازبين: ابحث عن الأشخاص الذين يقدرون الأبوة والأمومة

هل تبحث عن علاقة رومانسية لا ترى الأبوة والأمومة كعائق؟ اعتمد على أفضل تطبيقات المواعدة للآباء والأمهات العازبين!

استمر بالقراءة



أعمال ورقية: 7 أفكار مذهلة وخطوة بخطوة!

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يحبون العمل بالحرف اليدوية، يمكن تحويل أي مادة مختارة وتعديلها، حتى قطعة بسيطة من الورق يمكن أن تصبح فنًا لا يصدق.

استمر بالقراءة

تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي التي يجب أن تعرفها

افتح عالمًا مليئًا بالإمكانيات مع تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي. من مساعدة الذكاء الاصطناعي إلى الإبداع والابتكار والعديد من الميزات الأخرى!

استمر بالقراءة