
كيفية الحصول على موافقة لتجربة Shein المجانية؟

Shein offers free weekly item trials, so you can revamp your wardrobe without spending a dime! Check out our tips to increase your chances of winning free clothes from Shein.


Shein offers a program to benefit customers with free items

Shein’s Free Trial Program is an exclusive benefit for Shein’s mobile app users and customers. By joining the trials, you get chances of getting free items from the app every week.

Although the winners are selected randomly, there are qualifications that can improve your chances in the trial. So first of all, make sure your account is not blacklisted. 

How does Shein’s Free Trial work?

The Free Trial, as explained by Shein, is a weekly chance to benefit the mobile app user’s and get honest reviews from them for the products they receive for free.

The items available in the trial are preselected by the company. Although you can’t choose any item from the app, you still get to choose the size and variations from the available items.

The first step to become a Shein tester is to download their app and create an account. If you already have an account and a history of buying and reviewing items from Shein, your chances at getting the free clothes may be higher. 

Tips to increase your chances of being approved for Shein’s Free Trial:

Even though the winners are randomly through a system, you can still increase your chances of getting free clothing items from Shein by following these tips:

Write good reviews

A good review is characterized by the amount of detail and explanation you provide about the product.

Therefore, when writing a Shein review, make sure to explain how the cloth feels, what it feels like wearing/using the product, the size you’ve chosen, and how it conforms to your body.

Also, make sure to post photos and videos of the product and of you using or wearing the items. This helps potential buyers make up their minds on whether the product is suitable for them and will meet their needs.

Be a potential buyer

Since the first step to join the free trials is to have an active account, using and exploring this account is essential for participating in the trials.

Browse through the app and add items to your wishlist. If you have a purchase history in the app and have bought Shein items before, make sure you’ve reviewed your purchases and follow the previous steps on how to write a good review.

Select Free Trial items with fewer candidates

As in any trial, Shein’s free trial also follows the probabilistic logic that the fewer candidates interested in an item, the greater the chances each participant has of getting that item.

With that in mind, applying for items with fewer candidates is a great strategy for increasing your chances of  being approved for Shein’s Free Trial.

How to participate in Shein’s Free Trial:

احصل على ملابس مجانية من Shein. المصدر: Adobe Stock.

Now that you know how to increase your chances of getting approved in Shein’s Free Trial, learn more on how to apply at the program:


Free clothes from Shein

Shein's Free Trial Center


احصل على ملابس مجانية من Shein من خلال المشاركة في برنامج التجربة المجانية الأسبوعي.

سيتم إعادة توجيهك إلى موقع آخر

You already know that having an active account, being a potential buyer and writing good reviews are important, but do you know how to apply at the Free Center?

Once you open the app, simply go to the ‘Profile’ tab, click on ‘Free Trial Center,’ and select any items you want.

After confirming the size you want for the item and your address, you can click ‘Send’. After that you’re automatically competing with other Shein users to obtain those items.

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