
حرفة الكروشيه لكل من يريد تعلم مهارة جديدة

يعتبر الكروشيه من الفنون الحرفية المضادة للتوتر، حيث يعمل الفن اليدوي كعلاج للعديد من الأشخاص الذين يعملون بأيديهم.


Crochet is considered a very anti-stressful craft art, as manual art even serves as therapies for many people who work with their hands. This type of craft is very old, and in many cultures they are passed from mothers to children and from fathers to children. The enrichment of the handicraft culture, whatever it may be, such as crochet itself, brings income to the family and also dignity to the lacemakers of northeastern Brazil.


Lacemakers from the south of Brazil are also benefited, as are handicraft lacemakers in all cultures around the world. Crochet is considered by some to be a difficult art to learn, but it varies from person to person. And for some people learning is very natural transforming work in a professional way.

What is the place of origin of crochet?

Crochet as we know it today has its origins in the 16th century and one of the most accepted theories about its beginning shows that it started in Arabia, in the Middle East, reaching the whole world due to the Mediterranean trade routes, becoming extremely popular in tribes in south america

Why is crochet important?


Crocheting or knitting soothes, prevents degenerative diseases, reduces stress, relaxes, improves self-esteem and increases creativity. Research proves that crocheting is an excellent therapy.

المواضيع الشائعة


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