
نصائح للمبتدئين في الكروشيه

إن الحديث عن الكروشيه يجعلك تتذكر بيت جدتك، وبالتأكيد الكثير من الناس لديهم هذه الذكرى العاطفية المرتبطة بهذه التقنية.


Talking about crochet makes you remember your grandmother’s house, certainly many people have this affective memory linked to the technique and it’s not for less.

Crochet really has this particularity, with the appreciation of handcrafted pieces, crochet gained status and returned with everything to fashion and home decor. And for that very reason, more and more people are interested in the way it is done, whether as a way to unwind and relax or for the possibility of earning a little extra money.


If you want to start in this new world of crochet, keep following the post as we will give you all the necessary tips, from choosing the materials to finally getting to the explanation of the basic points, with tutorials and explanatory videos.


Necessary materials:


Needle: there is a unique needle shape for crochet work, and the sizes vary according to the thread used. But according to Jussara, beginners will find more comfort and better precision when performing stitches with a metal needle, size 2.

Thread: the ideal for those who have no practice in crochet is to start by handling cotton threads, especially the finer ones, as they are easier to work with.
Scissors: this tool is essential for cutting the thread without unraveling it.


international symbology of crochet stitches:

First of all it is important to understand that crochet, like everything else in life, is a matter of practice. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out as you expected in the beginning, with effort and dedication you will be able to do many things.

Pin on croche
This is an example of more advanced crochet, and it's very fashionable. 
And it's a great option both to make and use at home or sell, many people like to buy to put on the table.


المواضيع الشائعة


عرض قائمة ألعاب Milhão: أفضل الخيارات للمتعة الاختبارية!

استكشف متعة لا نهاية لها ومعرفة لا حدود لها مع تطبيقات ألعاب التوافه! اختبر ذكاءك وتنافس بمفردك أو مع الأصدقاء واستمتع بتجربة تعزز من قدراتك العقلية.

استمر بالقراءة



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