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Do you know felt crafts?

Felt is a type of fabric widely used for the production of handicrafts and, together with its creativity, allows the creation of countless wonderful pieces. This is one of the fabrics that can be highlighted in your crafts, as it is a great and versatile material to work with. In addition, of course, there is a wide variety of colors, prints and thickness of felt, which you can find in fabric and trim stores or stores specializing in handicrafts.

This felt craft confection is very easy to make, and the templates are ready quickly. To create a piece you only need the pattern of the chosen piece, thread, needle, glue, scissors and stuffing. You can make letters, pets, hearts, flowers and many other objects, either as a gift, earning extra income or decorating your home.

why felt craft is a good option?

Felt crafts look beautiful and this material can be used to make crafts both to create decorative objects and to make items such as a purse and wallet. Felt crafts are an excellent inexpensive decoration option that will help you redecorate your home quickly and without having to spend a lot.

what types of felt can you work with?


Blended Felt: Blended felt is produced from a mixture of white and colored fibers and has a rough feel, generally blended felt is thicker than other types of felt. Merged felt can be found in shades of brown, gray and blue and is perfect for more rustic crafts.

what types of felt can you work with?


Blended Felt: Blended felt is produced from a mixture of white and colored fibers and has a rough feel, generally blended felt is thicker than other types of felt. Merged felt can be found in shades of brown, gray and blue and is perfect for more rustic crafts.

Corinne Lapierre felt craft kits & felt bundles


Plain Felt: Flat felt is the best known and used to make crafts. Without any prints and with a very thin thickness, plain felt can be found in different colors and is used for almost all types of crafts, from small finishes, to decorating dolls, pillows and other crafts in felt.


Glitter Felt:


Glitter felt is usually more expensive than other types of felt, however, it gains a lot of prominence when used in handicrafts. Shiny felt is commonly used to give a special touch to small details such as hair clips, cushions, garlands, among others.


stamped felt:


Today the market offers felt with a wide variety of prints, from polka dots, chess and hearts, to pet and funny prints. Embossed felt crafts are perfect for creating fun kids pieces or decorative kitchen and bathroom items.


As we mentioned before, we teach the handicraft step by step regardless of the purpose, many people learn and it stops being a hobby and becomes a source of income, discover in friends and close people possible customers. Today manual work, the so-called “handmade”, is being highly valued in a world where everything is done by machines. From soaps to pillows, everything that is handmade and exclusive gains a differentiated added value.


By improving our motor capacity, handicrafts raise self-esteem because they improve handling and production skills for various tasks, especially for the elderly. Still, the pleasure of creating an object or piece of clothing, instead of buying something ready-made from the store, is immense.


Keep reading and visiting the blog for more information and stay on top of everything in the craft world


Plain Felt: Flat felt is the best known and used to make crafts. Without any prints and with a very thin thickness, plain felt can be found in different colors and is used for almost all types of crafts, from small finishes, to decorating dolls, pillows and other crafts in felt.


Glitter Felt:


Glitter felt is usually more expensive than other types of felt, however, it gains a lot of prominence when used in handicrafts. Shiny felt is commonly used to give a special touch to small details such as hair clips, cushions, garlands, among others.


stamped felt:


Today the market offers felt with a wide variety of prints, from polka dots, chess and hearts, to pet and funny prints. Embossed felt crafts are perfect for creating fun kids pieces or decorative kitchen and bathroom items.


As we mentioned before, we teach the handicraft step by step regardless of the purpose, many people learn and it stops being a hobby and becomes a source of income, discover in friends and close people possible customers. Today manual work, the so-called “handmade”, is being highly valued in a world where everything is done by machines. From soaps to pillows, everything that is handmade and exclusive gains a differentiated added value.


By improving our motor capacity, handicrafts raise self-esteem because they improve handling and production skills for various tasks, especially for the elderly. Still, the pleasure of creating an object or piece of clothing, instead of buying something ready-made from the store, is immense.


Keep reading and visiting the blog for more information and stay on top of everything in the craft world

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