Unterschied zwischen Patchwork und kreativem Nähen
Patchwork ist eine Patchwork-Kunst, die für ihre Farbvielfalt und lustigen Formen bekannt ist und normalerweise auf Steppdecken zu sehen ist.
do you know the difference between patchwork and creative sewing?
Patchwork is a patchwork art, which is well known for its diversity of colors and fun shapes, usually seen on quilts, bags, pillows and everything your imagination and creativity allow you to create.
As I said here before, patchwork consists of 3 pillars:
These three layers are superimposed:
Lining: it is usually a whole fabric that is on the underside of the patchwork, giving a good finish to the piece.
Filling: it is in the middle part of the piece, it is what gives volume and an acrylic blanket is usually used for this.
Top: the top is made with fabric scraps.
patchwork x creative sewing:
Patchwork is nothing more than a craft technique in which pieces are created from fabric cutouts containing different patterns in a unique composition.
Patchwork is considered a patchwork work that creates varied geometric shapes, such as people, plants, flowers, animals, landscapes, objects and abstract compositions.
creative sewing:
It is a more complete work where many meticulous details are used to create bags, toiletry bags, and various other accessories and garments, where it is necessary to combine colors, prints and different types of fabric.
In short:
They are great techniques that can offer many health benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, and still manage to provide beautiful pieces to be used in everyday life, or to be sold, it’s up to you.
Be sure to follow our website, which we will make available daily several techniques, tips and craft ideas for you!
A good tip for those starting out is to use styrofoam;
For beginners who are just starting out, I always recommend a simple way to make patchwork, which is using a styrofoam as a base, as opposed to using needles.
You must transfer the design to the styrofoam, and then make the cuts with a knife. Afterwards, it’s very simple, you just have to tuck the fabrics into the slits, making them fit into the holes and be embossed. This technique is one of the easiest, and with it you can decorate boxes, pictures, tables and even other decorative objects, such as picture frames, for your home environments.
Use free cutting as your patchwork ally:
The free cut, as I explained earlier, is another very practical and simple way to make patchwork. But instead of sewing straight, you’ll just cut out patchwork designs and prints and glue them onto other fabrics. This technique is very reminiscent of children’s cutting and pasting, but made with fabrics.
These creations get quite creative and are much easier for someone just starting out. Keep exploring our blog, you will soon have gotten used to each patchwork technique, your skills to make more elaborate work will come naturally. Liked? stay tuned on our website, we will post techniques, tips for beginners and several craft ideas to make your day to day easier, and also earn an extra income.
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