Was ist ein Trial Center und wie bekommt man kostenlose Kleidung von Shein?
Discover all the tips on how to benefit from Shein's Free Trial Program and check out a direct link to the program's page.
You can get up to 3 clothing items every week!
Shein’s Free Trial Center is a promotional program that allows customers to win free clothing items.
You can receive free clothes from Shein by participating in the free weekly trials, available at the ‘Free Trial Center’ on the Shein app. All you need to participate is to have an account on the app.
This is an easy and fun way not only to renew your closet but also to try new items and explore different styling possibilities.
In addition to not having to pay for the clothes, the shipping cost is also zero, and you can get early access to new releases and earn extra points for your own purchases.
What is Shein’s Free Trial?
Shein’s Free Trial Program is a benefit for clients who have an account on their app. By joining the free trials, you can select up to 3 items every week.
The winners are randomly chosen through a system that takes into account the credit records on their accounts, their review history, and other factors.
They are announced by the end of the week, and if you win your selected item, it gets sent to your home with no shipping cost.
After receiving your item, you are expected to write a review and provide feedback on what you’ve gotten, becoming a Shein tester.
What clothes can I get for free on Shein?
By joining the free trial, you won’t be able to select any clothing of your choice from the app. The free clothes you’ll receive, if you win the weekly trial, are the ones available on Shein’s ‘Free Trial Program’ tab.
They are preselected by the company, but you can choose the size and variations from the available items.
This is a great opportunity to try new styling combinations and experiment with different styles. The options provided by Shein in their free trial program are very diverse.
How to order free clothes from Shein?
Shein’s Free Trial Program is an exclusive benefit for Shein’s mobile app users and customers.
To participate in the trials, all you need is to have an active account. If you don’t have one yet, simply download the Shein app on your phone and sign up for free.
Once you’re in the app and logged into your account, navigate to the ‘Profile’ tab. There, you will find the ‘Free Trial Center’ tab. This is where you will find eligible items and additional information about the free trials.
In the Free Trial Center, you will find the available items for the current trial. Every week, you have up to 3 chances to select 3 different items. Choose the items you’d like to try for and then select the size or variation of the item you wish to receive.
After this, you will be asked to confirm your address, as the item will be sent to your home with no shipping fees.
To help you, we prepared some tips that can increase your chances of being approved for Shein’s free trial, check out the content below!
Wie erhalte ich die Zulassung zur kostenlosen Testversion von Shein?
Shein bietet wöchentliche Probeläufe für kostenlose Artikel an. Hier sind einfache Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Chancen erhöhen können, kostenlose Kleidung von Shein zu bekommen.
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