
Basteln Schritt für Schritt – Wo beginnen?

Hier bei Handcraft Cool lernen Sie eine Reihe von Techniken und Tutorials, mit denen Sie Ihr Handwerk auf einfache, praktische und unterhaltsame Weise gestalten können.


If you want to learn handicrafts step by step, you are in the right place.

Here at Handcraft Cool, you will learn a series of techniques and tutorials for your crafts to take shape in a simple, practical and fun way. And in today’s text, we will show you the basic way to start practicing. After all, we know that it is not always easy to choose the right paths and find good techniques.


So, follow along and learn more!



Basteln Schritt für Schritt – Wo beginnen?


Well, the first step that I consider very important to learn step by step crafts, is the choice of which path to follow. After all, when we talk about crafts to sell or to decorate, we are talking about a plethora of ideas, styles, ways, techniques, materials, etc. And for beginners all this can sound difficult and confusing. So, if you feel that way, come with me!


Learning to make handicrafts is not a “seven-headed monster”, as the old saying goes. But, at the same time, it can be complicated if you don’t know which way to go. Nowadays, of course, there are many channels on YouTube where you can do exactly what the teacher is teaching. And this helps a lot to learn quickly.


But just learning one technique or another randomly can make your learning curve longer. Because you won’t be seeing the whole context. But only that technique itself. This is not wrong, ok? For those looking for a fun pastime, it’s great.


How to start making handicrafts?


To make handicrafts step by step you need, above all, patience. And besides patience, you need creativity. After all, crafts are handicrafts. And art, as you know, is a process of inspiration and ideas. So there is no such thing as a well or badly made craft. What there is, is craftsmanship!


And this is important to be clear so that you don’t get lost in the idea of wanting to find perfection right from the start. For some techniques can be really complicated and you may get discouraged. However, there is no reason for that. After all, everything good takes time to get into perfect shape, doesn’t it?


I recommend that you put three steps into practice in your learning process, which are as follows.


Choose a technique you like:


The first step is to choose a technique you like. Do what you really want to do! Crafting is a hobby and fun. And if you are not doing what you really like and want to do, you will hardly have any fun. So test out various techniques and styles until you find the one you like best.


Start with tutorials that are easy and the materials are not expensive. The second step, is to consider easy tutorials as a starting point. Don’t start out wanting to do complex and difficult projects, because if it doesn’t work out, chances are you will get discouraged. So take it slow and choose materials that are simple and easy to handle. And, of course, let your creativity run wild!


Join craft groups to improve your skills and meet people.



And lastly, join craft groups. This helps a lot to improve your skills simply by meeting people and making friends. When this happens, it becomes much more enjoyable and fun to craft! Enjoy and have fun!

See some tutorials for learning crafts directly on our HandCraft Cool site.



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