
How to Know If You’re Being Tracked: Essential Tips for Identification!

Understand how to spot potential tracking devices and learn how to protect yourself both digitally and physically.


Take control of your digital and physical security.

Learn how to know if you're being tracked.
Learn how to know if you’re being tracked. Source: Canva Pro.

There are many ways people can track you in your daily life without even noticing. For this reason, join us in this article to learn how to know if you’re being tracked. Criminals can put trackers in other people’s cars and personal objects and even install tracking apps on their phones.

Whether it’s online or physical tracking, join us in understanding exactly what risks you can be exposed to with unwanted tracking. Additionally, learn how to identify trackers in different objects and how you can use an app to protect yourself.

What are the risks of unwanted tracking?

Learn how to know if you're being tracked physically and digitally.
Unwanted tracking can compromise your physical and digital safety. Source: Canva Pro.

Unwanted tracking signifies an invasion of privacy and stalking and can pose numerous dangers to victims’ lives. You can use these devices for data collection, including profiling, identity theft, stalking, targeted advertising, government surveillance, and cybersecurity threats.

Stalking at any level is a crime in many jurisdictions. If someone gains access to your location information, they may use it to monitor your movements and even harass you physically or online.

Moreover, criminals are now capable of using trackers to spy on other people on two levels: physically and digitally. Online tracking can involve the collection of personal information, browsing history, location data, and more.

Physical tracking can utilize devices implanted in a person’s car, personal objects, and even clothing items. In these cases, people’s locations and behaviors may be monitored, compromising their private lives and physical safety.

Tracking identification: effective strategies

Since trackers are not common objects people often see, learning how to know if you’re being tracked can be a little complex. So, to help you maintain your safety, we have curated a few strategies!

How to detect AirTags tracking me?

One of the main tools people use to track others illegally is AirTags, small Bluetooth-enabled tracking devices designed by Apple to help users locate and keep track of their personal belongings.

To help prevent the crimes that have been committed using AirTags, Apple has launched the AirTag app for Android users as well. This way, users of all devices can locate potential tracking devices and protect themselves. Check out the app in the link below:



Tracker Detect


Look for item trackers around you with this app!

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This app allows users to locate any type of tracking device near them, and within up to 10 minutes, the app will activate the alert sound emitted by AirTags. This way, the user can quickly find the device by following the sound.

If the app identifies a tracker device, it also offers instructions on removing the device’s battery. This app is a great tool if you are trying to learn more about how to know if you’re being tracked.

How to detect a GPS tracker in my car?

A GPS tracker in your car will look like a foreign object. For this reason, having the car’s instruction manual will be helpful.

You will need to take a look manually, with a flashlight in hand and the manual in the other. You can also find online manuals by simply googling your car’s model manual.

Inspect the wiring under the dashboard and around the battery for any unusual or unfamiliar wires. Also, check the exterior of your car, including the wheel wells, under the bumpers, and other hidden areas.

Besides, look for common hiding spots inside the car, such as under the seats and in the glove compartment. Also, consider using a specialized GPS tracker detector such as Tracker Detect.

How to detect a tracker on my cell phone?

You can track cellphones if someone gains access to your phone and is able to install a tracking app on it.

Unfortunately, detecting a tracker on your cell phone can be challenging, as phone tracking apps can have their home icon changed to blend in with usual apps.

However, check for unusual battery drain, as these apps usually consume a lot of battery power. Also, regularly check the list of installed apps on your phone.

Review the permissions granted to each app on your phone and use the task manager or a system monitoring app to check for unusual background processes. Also, consider performing a factory reset on your phone to delete everything installed on it.

Additional tips for protecting yourself from tracking

Besides, we have a few extra precautionary measures you can adapt to ensure your safety:

  • Review and update the permissions granted to apps on your device.
  • Consider using a VPN to encrypt your internet connection.
  • Turn off location services for apps that don’t need them.
  • Regularly clear browser cookies and cache.
  • Be cautious with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections.
  • Consider anti-tracking browser extensions.
  • Be mindful of social media privacy settings.

Recommendation: See details about the Apple app for identifying trackers

This app can help you learn how to know if you're being tracked.
Locate tracking devices with this app. Source: Canva Pro.

To understand in-depth how the Tracker Detect app works, just keep reading! 

In the article below, we will take a closer look at this application to understand all of its features and how it can protect its users from tracking. Check it out!

Tracking Detect: Apple's App for Trackers

Apple's app for identifying trackers around you is also available for Android. Check out its features and how to use it.



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