
Männer, die häkeln. Warum nicht?


Historians believe that the knitting technique emerged around 1000 AD in Egypt. Knitting was made with natural fibers such as wool and cotton, which means that most of the first knitted objects deteriorated, making it difficult to discover the exact origins of this craft. It is assumed that knitting arrived in Europe in the mid-1000s and 1500s AD, possibly in the course of the Crusades or the Arab Conquests.

For a long time, the practice of knitting and crochet was exclusive to women, but that is something of the past. Many men got rid of this fear and discovered that this art can also be pleasurable for men.

Men who crochet. Why not?
Men knitting

On the island of Taquile which is located in the Peruvian part of Lake Titicaca. Surrounded by water, the island has not had much influence from Spanish colonizers and strongly clings to its traditions of its ancestors in the ancient Inca Empire. And knitting is one of the traditions that is very present in everyday life in Taquile.



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