Schwangerschaft+ App: Verfolgen Sie Ihre Schwangerschaft und die Entwicklung Ihres Babys
The journey of having a baby can be a lot easier with this app to track pregnancy and baby's development. Find all the details about the Pregnancy+ app and how to download it.
Track, organize, and get informed about your pregnancy all in one place!
Whether you are first-time parents or not, it can be really useful to use a pregnancy app to track your journey while expecting a baby and to stay informed.
The Pregnancy+ App is a free application with tools designed for any caregiver who wants to track, organize, and find accurate medical information in one place. So, to learn all that this app has to offer, just dive into this article!
What is the Pregnancy+ app?
As it can be overwhelming to learn all the information surrounding mom and baby care during pregnancy and hard to find reliable information by specialists and medical professionals, the Pregnancy+ App has been built to consolidate in one place all the advice and content expecting families will need.
It is a tool recommended for all those surrounding a soon-to-be-born baby and who want to learn more about the pregnancy process, as well as how to organize and plan for labor and welcoming a child.
Available for both iOS and Android devices, this app is free and collaborative, and you can invite other people to join you in monitoring the baby.
To learn all the features the Pregnancy+ app offers, just keep reading!
What are the features of the Pregnancy+ app?
To cover all aspects related to pregnancy, this app offers features to support its users with guides and information about pregnancy and baby development, as well as organization and planning tools.
From the moment you join the Pregnancy+ community, you will find support in guides to help you visualize your baby’s size, week-by-week pregnancy walkthrough, and exercise, nutrition, and breastfeeding educational content.
If you want to use this app in a more immersive way to visualize the stages of your pregnancy, you can also upload scan photos to create a diary and use the pregnancy due date calculator to understand when your baby’s due.
By using the pregnancy calendar within the app, you can plan and document your prenatal appointments, as well as make a customized birth plan to add and organize your needs and wishes.
If that wasn’t enough, with this pregnancy app, you can search for baby names for inspiration and have your partner, family member, and friends join you in the app to monitor the baby’s development.
How to download the Pregnancy+ app?
Start tracking your pregnancy today by downloading the app in the link below and following our instructions:
- Once the app is installed, open it.
- Sign up and add your personal information to create your account.
- When you join the app, you will automatically find your timeline organized according to your pregnancy period (which you can personalize) and all the articles and guidelines about pregnancy on the home page.
Now that you know how to use apps to make your pregnancy easier, how about learning about applications that can make your pictures look professional?
In the article below, you will find detailed information on the best editing apps.
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