Schwangerschafts-Apps: Verfolgen Sie die Entwicklung Ihres Babys
How about using apps to keep track of your pregnancy and staying informed on all the stages of generating a baby and raising a child? We brought the 3 top apps and a download link for you!
It takes a village to raise a child: but also a pregnancy app!
The journey of having a baby and raising a child can be a lot easier if you have a pregnancy app as your ally. We have brought you the top 3 apps available for both iOS and Android to help you with that!
Learn how to keep track of pregnancy and baby development with apps and all the advantages and benefits of these applications. Check it out!
What are the advantages of using a pregnancy tracking app?
Many people and professionals are involved in the raising of a child. As parents need to learn a ton of information in order to take care of a baby, they can find all they need in one place by using pregnancy apps. Mothers, fathers, and all caregivers are encouraged to use these applications.
You can learn about the changes in the woman’s body, the development of the baby, and later on, learn about labor, baby nutrition, and many other tips in articles and other features from medical specialists.
Of course, it is important to highlight that no app will substitute the work of doctors and other specialists. To understand how these apps work, just keep reading!
How do pregnancy apps work?
Pregnancy apps are built with medical articles to provide information on every stage of pregnancy. Some of the apps below also offer content to support you after your baby’s arrival.
Besides easily collecting educational content about pregnancy and parenthood, you can also learn about your due date with built-in calculators and access tips on labor, breath techniques, mom and baby nutrition, and much more!
Best apps to track baby development
Check out the best apps for week-by-week pregnancy and baby development information.
Pregnancy +
This app is entirely focused on the pregnancy period, providing baby development information on what to expect each week, pregnancy milestones, and timeline.
Pregnancy+ also offers guides and organizational tools to help you stay informed on breastfeeding, breathing, and exercise techniques, as well as plan and document your prenatal appointments, shopping lists, and much more!
Pregnancy App & Baby Tracker
If you are looking for an app that supports every phase of having children this is the one!
With a fertility tracker and ovulation calculator, you can count on this app during the starting-a-family stage as well as during pregnancy with tips about pregnancy stages, workout and nutrition.
Besides, you can use this app to choose the baby’s name, track their growth, and find activities to keep your baby entertained and boost their development.
Pregnancy Tracker & Baby Guide
To help parents find ease during such a heart-rushing moment, they can use this app to access medical articles on baby’s development, changes in a woman’s body, nutrition tips, tips for mom-to-be and dad-to-be, and more!
Besides accessing weekly information, it is also possible to find your due date, labor tips, and create photo collages to make memories about your pregnancy.
How to download a pregnancy app?
Ready to use an app to ease your way into pregnancy? Then quickly download your app in the link below and keep reading for detailed instructions.
- Once you have downloaded the app, open it.
- Insert your personal information and grant the access permissions you feel comfortable with.
- Adjust the app according to your pregnancy period to receive accurate information.
- Navigate through the articles and tips to stay on top of the pregnancy and baby care steps.
Pregnancy apps can offer such complete support to parents during pregnancy that we have even prepared special content on all the features the Pregnancy+ app offers to soon-to-be moms and dads. Check it out!
Pregnancy+ App: Track Your Pregnancy
Learn all about this app to track your pregnancy and baby's development!
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