
Die besten Arten von Kunsthandwerk zum Verkauf in den USA.


Knowing which crafts sell best is an important step if you want to start making a profit with your craft. After all, the benefits of crafting go beyond stimulating creativity, motor coordination, and relieving stress. This activity can also become a source of income and a door to the world of entrepreneurship.


The smartest way to do this, however, is to keep an eye on the demands of the market to find out which types of crafts are best selling on or off the Internet. And the good news is that I have already done this research for you! So stick around and find out which crafts sell best and get ready to make a lot of money from your production!


The 6 Types of Handicrafts that Sell the Most:


If you already produce your own handicrafts, or are willing to learn, this skill can earn you a lot of money. After all, with the advance of online sales, it has become easier to show your art to those who are willing to pay for it. In addition, traditional means of selling, such as fairs and exhibitions, are still good possibilities.


However, before you start investing money and time in this activity, it is important to be aware of the types of crafts that sell best online and offline. Check out our tips!


1. knitting and crochet

Both are super traditional and known by all. Both offer a huge range of possibilities, both in types of pieces to produce and in the target audience. This is because they are techniques that can be used to make clothes, carpets, decorative pieces, accessories, household items, and much more!


It is also worth mentioning that knitting and crochet are relatively easy techniques to learn. There is a plethora of courses and tutorials on the internet for this, many of them are free. Also, the initial investment in materials is very low.


Therefore, knitting and crochet are craft activities that sell well, and are ideal for those just starting out.



2. Handicrafts in cold porcelain
This technique allows the production of beautiful pieces that appeal to people of all ages. It’s possible to create dolls of the most varied types, decorate accessories for parties or home decoration, and everything else that creativity allows.

This is one of the best-selling types of crafts, but it is not as practical as the suggestion above.


This is because you will need a larger amount of materials and supplies to start your cold porcelain production. However, it is also an activity of relatively low initial investment and super lucrative.


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3. Embroidery
Another great craft option that sells very well and is simple to do. If you enjoy manual activities, it is worth learning embroidery techniques to use on your pieces.


Bordado Livre: Ideias, Passo a Passo +29 Fotos | Revista Artesanato


You can create decorative canvases to sell, or apply this technique to personalize clothes, towels, and other items. In fact, with a little creativity, you can mix your embroidery with crochet elements, precious stones, and other additional features that will add even more value to your products.


4. Cloth dolls
Who doesn’t like rag dolls? Although they are especially attractive objects for children, they appeal to people of all ages. For this reason, it is one of the best-selling handicraft options in fairs and physical and virtual stores.

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The downside of this activity is the investment in equipment to carry it out, as well as the fact that it requires a little more experience.


Although it is possible to start with simpler pieces, you will need to increase your production if you want to charge well for your products or scale up your production. But the reward is worth it, because besides being profitable, this activity is extremely rewarding!


5. Hand-painting
Those who master painting techniques have an infinite range of possibilities for the production of profitable handicrafts. You probably know that there is a select audience willing to pay very generous amounts for exclusive canvases. Interesting, isn’t it?


But you can go further and reach audiences from various walks of life and with different interests. This is because your talent does not need to be restricted to canvases. These are profitable, but may require more time and work to be executed.


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So how about painting objects such as clothes, crockery, and vases? Then you can diversify your portfolio and, of course, your sources of income.

6. Handcrafted jewelry
This is one of the easiest types of handicrafts to sell. If you produce beautiful pieces, just display them and the sales will happen. It’s even a statistical question here: the more people who see your products, the higher your sales rate will be.


This is because handmade jewelry appeals to a very broad public. The idea that only women are interested in these items has long since fallen by the wayside. Men and children are also good audiences to focus on if you want to boost your sales.


Did you like the information in this post? Follow our Handcraftcool page for more information.



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