
Tipps für den Einstieg in Patchwork

Patchwork ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes eine schöne Patchwork-Arbeit. Das heißt, bei diesem Handwerk müssen Sie mit verschiedenen Stoffen arbeiten.....


Patchwork is a beautiful patchwork job, literally. That is, through this craft you will have to work with different fabrics, allowing them to be united in a harmonious way and that will bring several incredible results. In this way, patchwork is nothing less than a way to reuse scraps and fabrics that would be thrown away.

What are the materials needed for Patchowrk?

It is first necessary to think about the suitable material to work with. Anyway, without them, the way to earn money or make income through crafts would not be possible, would it? Be aware of the list below, in addition to having quality materials that really make a difference in the final result of your patchwork work. See what the materials are:

Scraps of various fabrics
Fabrics for lining (the fabric here can be harder)
Ruler for your assistance
several pins
Needle and thread or sewing machine

Choose the patches

With the materials indicated above and separated, it is time for you to choose the scraps that you will work with. A golden tip is not to get very small pieces initially, as the work can double if you have trouble finishing a pillow, or a large quilt. So bet on medium sizes, and often on large ones to make the job easier.
cut as you wish
As I said above, you can choose different types of patchwork with different sizes and finishes. Still, you should put together a “beautiful puzzle” with them. So you can invest in the possibilities of cropping as you wish, but be careful.
The ideal is to be on a table, to shape your patchwork. Once you start creating an interesting shape that fits, you can start sewing.

Sew the patches together

After assembling all the “puzzle” of your patchwork, it’s time for you to sew all the patches, one at a time, looking for their union in a harmonious way. Here, you can either choose to sew by hand or with the machine, both options are viable, but of course with the machine it is faster. But nothing prevents you from working without it, ok? You just need to have a little more patience.
At this point you will already start to see the shape of your craft piece. And you can already have a good preview of what the final result will be.

Work the lining and filling

After sewing all the scraps, connecting them harmoniously, it is important that you work the lining and the filling of the same, do not forget to work on this, it is very important. For this, you must have a little patience for the filling to happen correctly. After all, it is necessary to create uniformity, so that the amount in each part is harmonious and the final effect is even more beautiful.


To finish, mend all the layers of patchwork and enjoy the result of your first and beautiful piece of patchwork. I know that initially this whole process can seem quite difficult and even time consuming. But, with dedication you will certainly have wonderful results and simply easy to sell your craft, which is already getting super professional.



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