Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Stricken und Häkeln?
Obwohl beide Techniken mit Nadel und Faden ausgeführt werden, gibt es zwischen Stricken und Häkeln Unterschiede.
Basic Materials
In general, the basic materials used for knitting and crochet are the same:
• Line
• Needle
• Scissors
• Calculator
• Measuring tape
What will make a difference are the materials used in each technique, the types of threads and needles used. Check it out!
In crochet, you only need to use one needle, the one that has a small hook at the end. See the detail in the figure:
Types of Needle
As mentioned in this article, knitting uses a single needle and crocheting two. But the type of needle is also quite different.
Used crochet hooks have a hook at the end. Crochet hooks have several types of numbering. To make tighter stitches, smaller needle numbering is used. For looser stitches, the most appropriate is the use of larger numbered needles.
In case of doubts regarding the numbering, when buying the crochet thread, just look at the information on the label, you will always have an indication of the type of needle.
There are needles with plastic, steel, rubberized handles. As for the needle tip, choose those that have a nickel-plated steel tip.
A great tip for those who want to crochet, is that for tighter stitches, you should use a smaller needle number and for looser stitches, a larger number.
Crochet makes a pattern similar to knitting or lace and can be used to learn how to create various types of yarn, in order to allow a more versatile creation of products such as clothes, baskets, etc.
In knitting, two needles are used, but without those hooks on the ends, ok? You can see in the detail of the image below:
Knitting or Crochet which is better to work with?
They are more used in the making of woolen pieces and tend to be more elastic. It is a technique used to make blankets, hats, scarves, coats, layettes and others. A hot tip, use Mollet yarn and you will create wonderful pieces!
Even having many similarities and confusion to know the differences, the two techniques have particularities and all the pieces produced are wonderful.
Some think that knitting is simpler and others, on the other hand, that crochet is much better to work with, but at the end of the day there is no better or worse method, it is a question of which is the one that best adapts to the needs of women. people so when choosing which of the techniques to use, take into account your taste and not the opinions of others.
I hope I have been of help in this article and that it will help to clear up everyone’s doubts.
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