
5 bricolages d'Halloween étape par étape, et comment les réaliser !

5 bricolages d'Halloween étape par étape5 bricolages d'Halloween étape par étape, et comment les réaliser ! C'est un bricolage incroyable et des idées incroyables.


Halloween or “Halloween Day”, as it is recognized in Brazil and the United States, takes place on the 31st of October. And we had as inspiration for thematic decoration, we’ve put together 5 ideas for hallowen ornaments to make the house more beautiful, or leave the most cheerful and fun children’s school.

All the models we have chosen here are simple and practical to make with materials, that you may have seen around. So, if what you are looking for is decoration
cheap and with a lot of creativity to make the kids happy, you’ve come to the right place! Come on!

Balloon Pumpkin

The balloon is a joker for those who want to spend little on halloween decoration for children. With the balloon, you can
make fun and creepy ghosts at the same time and to decorate your party, creating a decoration
very happy. Just use a permanent marker, or paper appliqués to make the ghost’s face.
5 halloween crafts step by step, and how to do it!
Decorations for halloween

ghost lollipops

Lollipops should never be missing from a Halloween party. That’s because, in addition to sweetening the palate of the children at the party, they can make your decor much more fun and cheerful. Just dress them with a white square fabric to turn them into little ghosts. Then tie each of the lollipops with a satin ribbon and make a bow. Use a marker pen to draw the eyes. Point! Your candy table will look spooky.
Decoration for halloween party decoration

Decorations for halloween
Fun decorations for halloween parties

Orange peel pumpkins

This one you really didn’t expect: halloween pumpkin made from orange peel, that’s right! How amazing isn’t it?
The idea is simple, practical and easy to do. Separate the fruit from the skin and then cut the faces. Cool, huh?
Fun crafts for halloween
Crafts for the Halloween parties

Jack Lantern Crafts for Halloween

Halloween decorations with paper rolls

When we run out of toilet paper or paper towel, we usually throw the remaining roll in the trash, don’t we? But, with a little creativity and a sense of aesthetics, this roll can be transformed into different horrifying and frightening characters, such as ghosts, witches and bats, it would look amazing, wouldn’t it?
Cardboard crafts for halloween
Decorations for halloween
Cardboard monsters for halloween party

handmade lanterns

Look what an amazing idea, reusing glass jars can also be used at your party to make scary and creative halloween lanterns. Making the piece is very practical: paint the pots with orange or black acrylic paint and glue the scary face. Once that’s done, just light a candle or LED light inside that custom container.

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