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Meilleures idées d'artisanat 2022.


1. Protective mask on fabric
The second most accessed post is a step by step: how to make protective mask on fabric.

In 2020 many artisans and artisans adapted their work to our new reality. The sale of masks generated income for many people and continues to generate.

In this post we teach you how to make a model comfortable, efficient and very easy to reproduce.

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2. Decoration with recycling
Enter year, year out, and crafts with recycled materials remains one of the most searched terms here on the site.

The third place was with the post where we show 25 ideas of pieces that can be made from packaging, bottles, cans and other items that everyone has at home.

3. Decoration with old drawers
The drawers of an old furniture can have a thousand and one utilities in your home! This is what we show in the fourth most popular post of the Magazine in 2020.

The ideas are so beautiful and creative that they are able to transform the décor of any room.

4. Toys with pet bottle
Entertaining children at home can be a fun and sustainable task. That’s why so many people searched for toy ideas made from recycled materials.

Bottles can turn into rockets, carts, pets and more!

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5. Crochet Bikini
Crochet is a technique that never goes out of style. And in recent years he is present even in the lightest clothes.

Bikinis and swimsuits made in lines are a sales success. That’s why the popularity of the post where we not only teach how to do, but also provide some graphics for those who already have experience with the technique.

You saw that the croche can be made with a lot of material, and also for many different purposes is not it? but the stuff that is essential you have to start in this world are these:

The materials needed for you to start creating your products are glue, scissors, invisible marking pen, pencil nº 2 and double-sided sticky tape. The pencil is ideal for making marks that can be erased later. If you need to make invisible marks, use a special pen that doesn’t leave any marks.

Double-sided sticky tape is great when you need to bond more than one piece of EVA or other material together. It is a great ally in creating crafts with EVA.

Scissors will be used according to your needs and your personal taste. You can use other types of scissors that have alternative cuts, such as alternative cut scissors such as the EVA perforating scissors. With it, you can create finishes in Zig Zag formats.

Many crafters who create with EVA like to use precision scissors as it makes it possible to make detailed cuts. According to your taste, you can choose the one that is ideal for your creation, just choose the type of detail or craft you want to make.

The glue should be special for EVA or similar ones. To glue EVA you can use universal glue, instant glue or hot glue gun. But, be very careful with the finish of your piece when using the hot glue gun so that it doesn’t leave any glue lint!

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