


The Art of Flaps:

Crafting is a great hobby. In addition to using your imagination, you can also exercise your skills, and if you break, you can increase your income. Among the many crafts, patchwork is one of the most popular crafts.

A patchwork that literally means “cooperating with retail.” The idea is this: collect different fabrics and create something new, beautiful and unique.

As we have already discussed,

A patchwork usually has three layers: the lining, the filling, and the top. The top is the most visible part, the “top” part. Linings and padding are finishes that add volume and finish pieces. Learn more techniques in our tutorial.

first step:

To learn the art of patchwork, you need to start with a few stitches. If you’ve never picked up a machine before, don’t worry. The video above shows you how to get to the very basics that are important for most jobs.

Materials needed to make magic blocks are: two pieces of fabric in contrasting colors, piecing ruler, cutting board, decorative scissors, pins, round knife, ironing board, and iron.

As we’ve already discussed, there is a way to make a beautiful American game that doesn’t require you to have any tit-for-tat skills. Cut out 20 pieces of fabric and glue them together with fabric glue. The trick is to make the strips out of the fabric first, then sew them together. It’s magic!

Patchwork is an ancient but increasingly popular sewing technique. It is characterized by originality and multiple uses.

That said, patchwork can be found in everything from bedding and pillowcases to more intricate items like purses and wallets.

The literal translation of patched together is “put together”. After all, this type of work is just that: a technique of combining multiple pieces of fabric of different sizes, colors and types.

Here’s how you can use them to create geometric designs,

in animal shapes, landscapes, people and many others.

In addition, with this technique you can create colorful, beautiful and original pieces, besides being able to create various products, such as:


Remembering that this is a very small list. So with patchwork you have an almost infinite amount of possibilities to leave your creativity free as a bird and keep your house well colored and decorated.

to start patching you will need to gather the necessary materials and give freedom to your creativity. This is because one of the main characteristics of this sewing technique is precisely the multitude of possibilities it brings.

Best fabrics to patchwork.

In this sense, the patchwork consists of three layers: the lining, the filling and the bodice. The top is the top formed by flaps. So there you will find geometric shapes or drawings.

Patchwork is often used where it comes in contact with the skin, so they preferably are soft and comfortable.

Therefore, it is important to choose fabrics carefully. Also, avoid using too much rough or ragged fabric. Ideal for blankets are 100% cotton fabrics as they are stronger and you can find them in a variety of prints.

For linings, the recommended fabric type is now percale.

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