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Artisanat Tupygua – des mains qui sauvent !
La production d'artisanat à Tupygua valorise les techniques et les pratiques de la tradition indigène TUPINIQUIM ET GUARANI, des objets artisanaux précieux tels que des biobijoux sont fabriqués à partir de graines et de fibres végétales, de belles pièces avec des perles et de la vannerie et de la vigne et de la paille tressées.
The Local Production
The local production of 4 villages, Córrego do Ouro, Comboios, Areal and Pau-Brasil, was sustained through
of the Tupinikim and Guarani sustainability program (PSTG), with support from the Suzano company. a qualification
and the rescue of previous practices contributed fully to the culture of tradition and income to create a high self-esteem of the participants, in addition to generating opportunities to generate through commercialization.
In addition to braiding with vines and straw, creating bio-jewels and working with beads already mastered by professionalization artisans, vegetable dyeing workshops were held and new textile techniques were created: printing and fabric painting and sewing.
The Local Fauna and Flora
The themes of the collections are related to the daily lives of artisans, to the local fauna and flora and rescue indigenous graphics.
Bead necklaces and bracelets are multiplying representing fish, alligators, turtles, spiders and other animals of the region. Among the references to the local flora, pau-brasil. The feathers of the birds are reproduced by the technique of painting on fabric. Stamps reveals plots and graphics.
The Tupinikim and Guarani sustainability program, started in 2012 by the company Suzano the indigenous communities the operational unit in Aracruz, Espírito Santo – Brazil, of this special program, participates in a total of 1315 indigenous families from 3 lands. The relationship between the Aracruz units and the indigenous people is facilitated by this project, in the indigenous territories they allow to reestablish, for coexistence, the environmental conditions that have the need of environmental conditions for this project as socioisis, for its ethnic registration and for the need of loss activities.
Sujets Tendance
5 sculptures étonnantes à réaliser avec les enfants
Aujourd'hui, c'est le jour de découvrir 5 idées créatives et intéressantes pour créer de l'art avec des sculptures étonnantes.
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Découvrez la joie de découvrir le visage de bébé avant sa naissance avec les meilleures applications. Amusement et curiosité pour les futurs parents !
Continuer la LecturePatchwork pour débutants
La meilleure façon de passer le temps est de faire des travaux manuels, idéal pour se détendre. Mais ce genre de cahier d'exercices peut aussi être un exercice très rentable. Alors, pourquoi ne pas devenir un pro et, si cela vous intéresse, gagner de l'argent avec.
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