
What is patchwork and quilting

Pull here, pull there, stitch here, stitch there, pull the thread in an interesting way, finish off in another way...


Pull here, pull there, stitch here, stitch there, pull the thread in an interesting way, finish off in another way… Truth be told: the universe of creative sewing involves different procedures and styles. Each of these styles and procedures has its own characteristics and dozens of details that involve a lot of study and training to be put in a practical and skillful way. But the best thing is that, over time, you can mix and add the techniques in the same project, creating beautiful and wonderful pieces with unique and versatile results.


What is Patchwork?


Who has never been enchanted by that cozy and beautiful patchwork quilt that is at grandma’s and grandpa’s house. To use it, the technique used was the classic patchwork, which is the connection by sewing several “blocks” of fabrics, which vary in color and size, and generally follow geometric shapes of squares, rectangles and hexagons.


The combination of prints and textures to create a great piece, which can be a beautiful quilt or even more complicated items like bags, when it is well made, results in amazing projects. The perfect possibility to use small or medium pieces of fabric left over from other jobs, thus avoiding waste. In addition, it is enough to have an initial knowledge of sewing and a lot of creativity to be able to develop the technique, after all, patchork for those starting out involves simple stitches and, therefore, is great for getting into the textile world.


What is Quilting?


Quilting is the process of sewing two or more layers together to create a thicker, denser quilted material. Generally, three fabrics are used to compose the work and also the project: two for the surfaces and a central one to give volume, all joined by stitches at all ends of the fabric, which can vary according to the design purpose of the piece.


The quilt is the end result of this composition. It is very common in blankets, decorative items and clothing – mainly winter coats or theater costumes, historical or even modern. In other words, the technique cannot be lacking in your sewing atelier to produce bulky and more robust orders. Creating with quilting and patchwork  There’s no need to choose different techniques if they complete each other, and you can make amazing projects with quilting and patchwork. On the contrary, both techniques can compose your project in an exquisite way, resulting in a piece with more robust volume and a lot of style, whether modern, retro or futuristic.


Thus, it is possible to make, for example, pillows, very beautiful and warm blankets, firm bags and even 3D notebook covers! Whatever the product, the result is a stylish and unique piece due to the union of patchwork patches and, at the same time, a firmer structure, achieved by the quilting layers. For those who want to make an income through patchwork and quilting, it is essential to invest in sewing and embroidery machines.The equipment must have stitches for quilting correctly, so, in addition to the common sewing to join the patchwork patches, it is still possible to create the layers so that the piece gains the upholstered and fluffy effect. In addition, with a little help from technology, productivity increases and, with that, the possibility of undertaking and generating an extra income with sewing becomes real, joining the hobby to the financial.



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